Tuesday, January 31, 2012


looks like i won't be seeing the champs elysees in may....

i've like 10 projects to do and get done. and because i'm still on probation, i don't think i should risk taking such long leave. sigh..

thankfully, we are able to defer the trip to sometime in november instead, though we will have to fork out a small fee for the 'inconveniences' caused.

and because i can only allow myself a maximum of 3 working days leave, (i mean, i do need to take break regardless okay! you can't and you shouldn't work me to death :S ) we've decided to do this instead...

credit pic -crispme.com

At this point of time I don't even care where we'd be heading, as long as I'd be on a plane and out of the country. even if it's just for 5 days (3 days leave + weekends).

I need to get all my projects done before I can conveniently apply for that much needed long leave. sigh, looks like i will have to lug those winter warmers after all... :(


  1. Babe, the bright side of it is that you can keep more money and shop more handbags!!!!!! hihihi :)

    1. true babes!

      but come to think of it, i would still be travelling albeit a short trip. but doubt i would be buying handbags kot... ngeh heh heh... :D
